My 20 week checkup!!!

We have officially made it to the halfway mark of my pregnancy and I am not looking forward to taking that awful glucose test coming up but c’est la vie! So far, so good in the checkup of my little one- I cannot believe we are having another BOY! Boy mom for life over here…we are enjoying the alone time with our twin toddlers as I know once this third child comes, the house is going to be quite hectic! I was thinking a lot about the difference of having two kids vs three kids and everyone keeps saying three is actually a huge difference!

The twins start school in August (pre-school) which works out in my favor actually because once the newborn comes, the twins will have their school, social environment to fall back on, and they will not be “so jealous” of my bonding time with the newborn. They will be going to school, Monday-Friday, (9-1) so their busy little bodies will be busy meeting new friends and learning new subjects. I will admit this pregnancy has been very different from my last pregnancy (not only because it has just been one child this time-not two) but I have been more tired and fatigued this time around. Is it because I am 3 years older (there is a big difference between age 36-39?) Either way, the first 20 weeks of this pregnancy has not been without it’s challenges. I was exhausted during the first trimester and sick for the beginning of the second trimester, so all in all, it’s been a time of the highest highs and the lowest lows to say the least.

When we found out recently we were having another boy, we were shell shocked. I come from a family of three girls and my husband is an only child- we thought for sure we were having another girl. My husband will joke to me from time to time (“I guess we will have to try again for a girl lol”) YEA RIGHT…hahaha…As long as this third boy comes out healthy- that is all we truly care about in the end. We have been toying around with names and we are still in the process of settling on the perfect one…there are so many amazing and unique names out there- it is so hard to choose! Any suggestions from the moms out there? Let me know!!! Anyways…that’s all for now…I will check in again with updated news about the baby once we go to our appointment! Until then…Cheers! I have attached my Gender Reveal to the bottom of this article so you guys can chime in on the fun! Clearly our reactions and facial expressions explains it all!